Explore Teasing Poems – Here we collect all types of teasing poetry to share and read. View a list of new poems for TEASING by modern poets.

I wish they would stop teasing me
its just not vary fair
It makes me sad and hurts a lot
but they will never know
I’ll show no sign of weakness
and I’ll just let it go
– Analissa Range

Love Teasing
Sashaying down paths of life, touching upon our love,
wanting to be with you forever, finding melodies that
bring us closer together.
Romance and love teasing us every day, not able to
wait for the night to come, lying in bed, having an
afternoon delight.
Kids in school, just you and I alone taking each other
to heaven, our hearts beating as one while making love,
not seeing anything but fireworks exploding between us.
Totally loving one another, becoming one time after
time, kissing, hugging, finding and quenching each other’s
passion, fulfilling our desires together.
– RoseAnn V. Shawiak

Teasing Life
What a tease our lives can be
To promise joy so frequently
Then so oft to take away
And give, instead, a rainy day.
So soon a simile gently passes
To be lost among the masses
Making love a fleeting thing
And life without, deep suffering.
– William McGehee

Quiet Teasing
Reflection of trees beckoning to this poet to join
them in silent morning breezes, leaves gently wav-
ing, bringing a smile to this mind.
Enjoying their quiet teasing manner, wanting intel-
ect to join them in a poem of delight, knowing that
somehow nature will know it has been done.
– RoseAnn V. Shawiak

Teasing Me The Way You Do
When I kiss you I fall deep
Your lips how they invite
I can’t resist your touch
You know just how to excite
Teasing Me The Way You Do
The touch of you I’m thrilled
Yet you know this is true
My heart can’t go on this way
Hear me! I desire you I do
Teasing Me The Way You Do

A Teasing Heart At Stock Market
My heart beats faster,
Whenever I see the signal,
It is winging at me,
It is teasing me relentlessly,
It is spoiling me uncontrollably,
Are the positive signals
Green in color?
Yes, It is green.
Why does the racing heart,
beat faster than ever,
When the signal is red?
– Veeraiyah Subbulakshmi
The Teasing Splinter
Dear Splinter, go on teasing me,
How sweet is a friend who likes pleasing me,
I know you just want a smile on my face,
I love your words, it’s glace and grace,
But how you’ll see that I am pleased,
How I enjoy when I am teased,
We are pen friends never shake the hands,
You fly on skies of the far southern lands,
I am sitting on the shores of Arabian Sea,
I wish we could share a cup of tea!
Let us share words like two loving friends,
Teasing is a color that nicely blends,
Ocean that joins us has moving waves,
Teasing fairies and the pleasing knaves,
Friends can change the color of the sea,
I can see your face in a cup of tea,
Teasing and pleasing we can see on the clouds,
Ugliness of time is covered in shrouds.
Clouds that rise from the deep blue oceans,
Are free to fly and carry such emotions.
One more thing I named you a Splinter,
We all are pages come out of a printer,
I am chasing you, the lovely first page,
Seventy years old I’m running like a sage,
I love to chase it’s a source of delight,
As you remain throughout in my weak eye sight,
When you turn your head and see me chasing,
You look beautiful with your teasing so pleasing!
– Akhtar Jawad
Eve Teasing And A Girl….
She hated her life,
She hated her society,
She hated her surroundings,
She hated these men,
How could they do that?
How could they be so cruel?
They ruined her life,
They broke her dreams,
Her simple wishes of life,
All her thoughts had changed,
All on a sudden she felt,
Her so called heaven,
This so called lovely earth,
Not for her to survive,
She can’t forbear this,
So she is going tonight,
Going to sleep forever,
Hiding herself from these,
These ugly faces,
These eve teasers,
These fake judgments,
These society and social systems,
Good bye human being,
Good bye……
– kafil uddin raihan.
Teasing Each Other Is A Pleasure For Lovers
Lovers tease each other for some time
For a silly reason and pretend to misunderstand
For the purpose of understanding
And happiness;
Teasing each other
Is a pleasure for love desire;
Then they convince each other;
And they enjoy the intimacy of love;
It is more pleasurable to enjoy
Conjugal happiness for ever;
While they happen to unite after
Cajoling and compromising the lover!
– Dr.V.K. Kanniappan
On Teasing
Speak in no uncertain terms
And turn
Table against those
Who chose irrational path
I shall take on rightly
If it is felt out rightly
That person is trying to be funny
He should be made monkey
Some people behave normal
With innocence and ask casual
But it irritates our mind
Not worth to find
For female, it becomes intolerable
With repeated overtures by people
Who only go for witch hunt?
The fingers are sure to be burnt
Some decency is must
It develops no trust
If you go on teasing]
And explore testing
– Hasmukh Amathalal
On Teasing Spree
Speak in no uncertain terms
And turn
Table against those
Who chose irrational path
I shall take on rightly
If it is felt out rightly
That person is trying to be funny
He should be made monkey
Some people behave normal
With innocence and ask casual
But it irritates our mind
Not worth to find
For female, it becomes intolerable
With repeated overtures by people
Who only go for witch hunt?
The fingers are sure to be burnt
Some decency is must
It develops no trust
If you go on teasing
And explore testing
– Hasmukh Amathalal
Gentle Teasing
Century plants stretching their arms heavenward,
trying to poke the sky with their pointed fingers,
jarring the universe with gentle teasing from earth.
– RoseAnn V. Shawiak
Stop Teasing Them
Stop teasing them.
These folks aren’t about to end their sins!
Are You kidding?
They need to be taught lessons.
Again and again and again…
Until they get it!
So stop teasing them,
And deliver ‘it’!
Why can’t You show them,
They have crossed boundaries?
‘I love them too much! ‘
But Father,
Check it out!
Some of Your creations…
Are on the prowl,
To destroy ALL of Your creativity.
On this planet anyway.
I can dig it!
I see what you are saying!
What do you recommend I do? ‘
– Lawrence S. Pertillar
Teasing The Bridge
The summer is hot
He crosses the river through
Teasing the bridge
With his water buffalo
‘The Teasing Game’
‘I know you are, but what am I? ‘
was a teasing game my brother and I would play.
He call me something bad or stupid
and then I would return it in my silly way.
Mom would say, ‘Sticks and stones may break your bones
but names will never hurt you! ‘
I don’t know where she got that from
because the names do hurt that hit you!
Like pizza face, or crater puss, giraffe neck
and many others.
I guess this is what all families experience
from their sister or their brothers.
I didn’t like it when he was one name up on me
and sneak off to sulk or cry.
But I love him, even after all the names have stopped
and now understand the rules and whys.
My sons would pick an tease each other
like my brother and I did.
But I see they are closer maybe because of it all
playing the teasing game of family sibs!
– Linda Winchell
Teasing Pleasing Tantalizing Fresh Bread
breathe aroma smell hot fresh bread
bait is a nose lure inciting love hunger
fresh bread demands instant eating
– Terence George Craddock
Teasing Thoughts
Dangling from neurons and synapses, thoughts teasing,
enticing intellect to capture and use them in entirely
new and different ways.
Creating many types of prose through it’s solitude and
serenity, bringing life into a complacent state of mind
where no one can reach me.
Having gone into an inner dimension, straying farther
into interior universes where life on earth no longer
exists for me.
Writing concisely, standing alone in the midst of a
great and wonderful atmosphere totally occupied with
creative processes.
Taking hold of this mind, wandering into and out of
interior landscapes that give peace and solitude,
holding my heart closely through love of the Divine.
– RoseAnn V. Shawiak
Teasing Touch
Your touch is a tease that flirts with my body
You tickle my skin and warm my soul
I lick my lips to anticipate your kiss
My eyes close awaiting the same.
I am ready for you
You let my hair down and run your fingers through it
I take deep breaths to keep up with my heart pounding
I am ready now
You run your finger tips over my eyes, past my lips,
down my neck, over my breast, to my stomach.
I let out a sigh
I am ready now
Under my shirt you make swirls on my stomach,
than dance your fingers down my thighs.
You cause goosbumps over every inch of my body
I am ready now
Your smile grins in an almost evil way
Cause you know your touch is a tease
You know you drive me crazy
You touch me everywhere but where I really want you to
I couldn’t be more ready for you.
– Christina Charette
Teasing Senses
Stillness of morning falls gently upon this mind as
nature beckons silently and vibrantly within, teasing
senses with sights of beauty.
Titillating a passion for writing poetry incessantly,
delving into the creative process through intellect and
Always holding onto reality’s perspective to keep focused
while being enlightened completely in the throes of living
every moment passionately and fully.
– RoseAnn V. Shawiak
Her Teasing
I have been waiting for years to see your tits
I am so tired of seeing them hidden in your outfits,
If I were a lawyer, against you I would be filing writs
For tempting me with your hand drawn counterfeits.
Since we first met those many years ago
I have fantasized that one day that them I would know,
I want to see them when happily them you do show
Instead of me seeing you topless, in a discreet photo!
I stare at your breasts when you work in the restaurant
I savor them as I would a tasty buttered croissant,
In my dreams and in my wishes they will always haunt
To see them in their natural beauty, is all that I want.
Why do you pretend to me that they do not exist
My god look at them, they are twice bigger than my fist,
Your breasts are full, and your cleavage I just cannot resist
To see them exposed is number one on my bucket list.
You always make your breasts enticing for a reason
No matter of the day or the time or even the season
Not showing them to me a faithful male, should be treason
So, undo your bra strap and stop your teason’.
– Randy L. McClave
Read More: Spoken Word Poetry