What is Repetition Words?
In poetry, repetition is repeating words, phrases, lines, or stanzas. Repetition is used to emphasize a feeling or idea, create rhythm, and/or develop a sense of urgency.
What is Repetition Poems?
Repetition poems refers to the use of the same word or phrase multiple times and is a fundamental poetic technique.
Repetition Poems Examples
Best Kinds
– Alex
The best kinds of people are warm and kind.
They are always there and they never mind.
The best kinds of people smile and embrace.
They support you with strength and grace.
The best kinds of people love and cherish.
They lift you up when you’re near to perish.
The best kinds of people share your joy,
To laugh with you, to joke and enjoy.
The best kinds of people stand up tall,
No matter how hard they fall.
The best kinds of people are honest and true.
The best kind of person, my dear, is you.

Never Stop Being You
– Terrie Brushette
Never stop caring about the little things in life.
Never stop dreaming, and don’t give into strife.
Never stop wondering are we on our own.
Never stop thinking has your spirituality grown.
Never stop building bridges that lead to better tomorrows.
Never stop trying, and don’t give into sorrow.
Never stop feeling amazed at the beauty that surrounds you.
Never stop hearing the music, and don’t give into the blues.
Never stop pushing away negative thoughts that make you feel sad.
Never stop looking at all the miracles we have had.
Never stop loving the ones you hold dear.
Never stop giving, and don’t give into the fear.
Never stop smiling, but look forward to each new day.
Never stop shining in your own special way.
Never forget that all storms will clear.
Remember brighter tomorrows are always near.
Will You Ever Love Me?
– Derek S. Weaver
When I’m missing you,
I feel a million miles away.
I long for your touch.
When I’m missing you,
I miss that angelic voice
And the laughter that comes with it.
When I’m missing you,
I imagine your lips connecting with mine
And your arms embracing me.
When I’m missing you,
I feel the distance
That separates you from me.
When I’m missing you,
I can’t imagine my life without you.
No more separation.
When I’m missing you,
I know when the time is right
I’d get down on bended knee.
When I’m missing you,
I sometimes dream of you and me,
Happily ever after.
But sometimes…
When I’m missing you,
My heart gets heavy
Not knowing for sure if you miss me.
When I’m missing you,
I often wonder if we’ll ever be together
Or if you even care.
When I’m missing you,
I wonder if I just fill the void
That fills the hole in your heart.
When I’m missing you,
The thought crosses my mind…
Will you ever love me like I love you?
A Friend Is Someone…
– Leah Ross
A friend is someone
You turn to.
A friend is someone
You confide in.
A friend is someone
Who stands by you.
A friend is someone
Who lifts your spirits.
A friend is someone
who encourages you.
A friend is someone
You treasure always.
A friend is someone
Who makes you smile.
A friend is someone
Who brightens your day.
A friend is you!

Love Takes A Little More
– Avi Fleischer
You supply the lips and I’ll supply the kiss,
You supply the chance and I’ll supply the bliss.
You supply the truth and I’ll supply the trust,
You supply the time and I’ll supply the lust.
But if it’s love you want, it’s gonna take a little more,
and when we finally get there, it’ll be like waves hitting the shore,
of the oceans of our hearts, the feeling lingers on,
from the touch of evening twilight, ’til the early morning dawn.
You supply the fantasy and I’ll supply the act,
You supply the opinion and I’ll supply the fact.
You supply the quip and I’ll supply the smile,
You supply the road and I’ll supply that extra mile.
But if it’s love you want, it’s gonna take a little more,
and when we finally get there, it’ll be like waves hitting the shore,
of the oceans of our hearts, the feeling lingers on,
from the touch of evening twilight, ’til the early morning dawn.
You supply the wings and I’ll supply the flight,
You supply the day and I’ll supply the night.
You supply the ground below and I’ll supply the sky above,
You supply your tender heart and I’ll supply my endless love.
Because even though love takes more, I shall not stand and wait,
for love to sweep me off my feet, for I might be too late.
So, I’ve now become a partner of fate,
in the never-ending waterfall known as love and hate.
Acquainted With The Night
– Robert Frost
I have been one acquainted with the night.
I have walked out in rain—and back in rain.
I have outwalked the furthest city light.
I have looked down the saddest city lane.
I have passed by the watchman on his beat
And dropped my eyes, unwilling to explain.
I have stood still and stopped the sound of feet
When far away an interrupted cry
Came over houses from another street,
But not to call me back or say good-bye;
And further still at an unearthly height,
One luminary clock against the sky
Proclaimed the time was neither wrong nor right.
I have been one acquainted with the night.
Love Me
– Samantha A. Kemmerer
One thing I ask of you…
Love me for who I am
and be true.
Love me as a fish loves the sea,
how the bird loves to sing.
Love me as a bee loves its honey,
as an angel love his wings.
Love me and hold me tight
as you tell me everything is all right.
Love me and guard me with all your might
as you hold me near at night.
Love me as I lay a kiss upon your lips,
as the heart in my chest flips.

Clear Vision
– Anne M. Snell
She longs to be pretty,
Because all she sees are her flaws.
She doesn’t see that those “flaws”
Are really her perfection.
She longs to be free
From all the chains she’s bound herself in.
She doesn’t see that those chains
Fell off months ago.
She longs to be someone else
Who hasn’t seen all she has.
She doesn’t see that those miles
On her soul just make her more beautiful.
She longs to be loved,
But doesn’t think she can be.
She doesn’t see that no one
Could ever love her more than I do.
She longs to be whole again,
But doesn’t know if she ever will be.
She doesn’t see that her brokenness
Makes her even more amazing.
She longs to be wanted,
But she thinks she’s a pest.
She doesn’t see that when she’s not with me,
I ache and long for her.
I long to tell her these things,
But I know I can’t.
I can’t give her the one gift
That she needs the most.
I long to show her all that she is,
But I know she won’t believe me.
I can’t show her because
It’s not mine to show.
I long to give her the one thing
That I can’t.
I can’t give it to her because
She has to discover these things for herself.
I long for the day that she sees what I see.
I can’t wait for the day
She receives clear vision.
But You Didn’t
– Merrill Glass
Remember the time you lent me your car and I dented it?
I thought you’d kill me…
But you didn’t.
Remember the time I forgot to tell you the dance was
formal, and you came in jeans?
I thought you’d hate me…
But you didn’t.
Remember the times I’d flirt with
other boys just to make you jealous, and
you were?
I thought you’d drop me…
But you didn’t.
There were plenty of things you did to put up with me,
to keep me happy, to love me, and there are
so many things I wanted to tell
you when you returned from
But you didn’t.
I’ll Be There
– Nubia Valle
I’ll be there
When you feel lonely and frightened,
When you need help with something,
When you feel hopeless.
I’ll be there
When you feel betrayed by someone you trusted,
When you feel broken-hearted,
When you are in difficult times.
I’ll be there
When you fall,
When you need a hug,
When you need some love.
I’ll be there.
No matter what happens,
I’ll be there.

The Meaning Of Love
– Krina Shah
To love is to share life together,
to build special plans just for two,
to work side by side,
and then smile with pride,
as one by one, dreams all come true.
To love is to help and encourage
with smiles and sincere words of praise,
to take time to share,
to listen and care
in tender, affectionate ways.
To love is to have someone special,
one on whom you can always depend
to be there through the years,
sharing laughter and tears,
as a partner, a lover, a friend.
To love is to make special memories
of moments you love to recall,
of all the good things
that sharing life brings.
Love is the greatest of all.
I’ve learned the full meaning
of sharing and caring
and having my dreams all come true;
I’ve learned the full meaning
of being in love
by being and loving with you.
Because She Was My Best Friend
– Insha Jesani
Together we would laugh, together we would cry,
With each other, we’d never be shy.
We’d often fight, then sort it out,
And at each other, we would never shout.
It’s because she was my best friend…
When I was with her, I was very crazy.
I would always dance like a silly daisy.
I didn’t care what they thought of us,
Since all they could possibly do was fuss.
It’s because she was my best friend…
I’d turn to her when my spirit needed a lift.
We would treasure our friendship; it was a gift.
She’d lift me up when I felt down,
And put a smile on my face when I wore a frown.
It’s because she was my best friend…
I saw her today with someone else.
It had been many years, so I was past tense.
She ignored me, and I wanted to cry.
If only she could just say goodbye…
It’s because she was my best friend,
And I never thought it would come to an end…
I Love Your Smile
– Ronald Doe
I love your eyes and your soft sighs.
I love your inner beauty, too.
I love the way each passing day
You give a love so warm and true.
I love your clothes, your turned-up nose,
The way your precious kisses taste,
But most of all, my living doll,
I love the smile upon your face.
I love your lips and slender hips.
I love the giggle in your talk.
I love your class and your sweet sass,
The wiggle in your sexy walk.
I love your shrug and your warm hug,
Love your tender and warm embrace.
But most of all, my living doll,
I love the smile upon your face.
I love your look, the way you cook.
I love your heart, your soul and mind.
I love the way you laugh and play,
How you always treat me so kind.
I love the fact you are intact.
I love your style, charm and grace,
But most of all, my living doll,
I love the smile upon your face.
I love your charms, your loving arms,
How you hold me so tenderly.
I love the bliss, the happiness
When you’re making sweet love to me.
I love when you get naughty, too
And kiss me all over the place,
But most of all, my living doll,
I love the smile upon your face.
One Art
– Elizabeth Bishop
The art of losing isn’t hard to master;
so many things seem filled with the intent
to be lost that their loss is no disaster.
Lose something every day. Accept the fluster
of lost door keys, the hour badly spent.
The art of losing isn’t hard to master.
Then practice losing farther, losing faster:
places, and names, and where it was you meant
to travel. None of these will bring disaster.
I lost my mother’s watch. And look! my last, or
next-to-last, of three loved houses went.
The art of losing isn’t hard to master.
I lost two cities, lovely ones. And, vaster,
some realms I owned, two rivers, a continent.
I miss them, but it wasn’t a disaster.
—Even losing you (the joking voice, a gesture
I love) I shan’t have lied. It’s evident
the art of losing’s not too hard to master
though it may look like (Write it!) like disaster.
Until Forever Dies
– Serbec
This is us,
Never alone.
We have each other.
Whether in the same room
Or by phone,
You will always be there.
I know you’ll never leave,
And there’s one thing I know.
This is the truth.
We will be together
Until forever dies.
Because I’m yours,
And you’re mine.
Listening to your heart,
A rhythm so fine.
So much comfort,
So much love.
With only you I feel this,
Not any other boy
Can I love so much.
We will be together
Until forever dies.
Because we’re in love,
As everyone can see.
Never a broken heart,
Never a tear cried.
You can hold me in your arms,
And I’ll hold you in mine.
We will never let go,
Until the end of time,
‘Cause I will never leave you,
And you won’t leave me.
We will be together
Until forever dies.
– Camille Gotera
When the cold, harsh winter has given its last breath,
When the sky above shows life instead of death,
When the claws reaching to the frozen sky become decorated with leaves,
When the animals -long in hiding- scurry from trees,
We know winter has ended.
When the frost on grass is replaced with sweet dew,
When the fields become dotted with flowers, reminding me of you,
When the lonely silence becomes filled with melodies,
When you feel warm air, erasing bad memories
We know winter has ended.
When the hard, bare ground becomes painted with green,
When the frost-bitten air becomes fresh and clean,
When the coats and boots are all stored away,
When the playgrounds become occupied again with child’s play,
We know winter has ended.
When you hear the pleasant sound of children’s laughter,
When the air is filled with joy- long sought after,
When the world is filled with sunlight, brighter and longer,
When the song of Mother Nature becomes stronger,
Spring has begun.
A Few More Steps
– Kayla White
You’re almost there.
Just a few more steps.
You can beat this game,
a lot like chess.
You can move backward, and that’s okay.
Just remember to move forward every other day.
Now, I’m no expert,
but you will find
if you keep moving forward,
you’ll get your peace of mind.
It’s gonna be hard, believe me I know,
for you to show your healing cuts
without feeling like a freakshow.
It’s going to get better.
Trust me; just believe it.
You’ll finally be relieved of it.
You’re almost there.
Just a few more steps.
You can beat this game,
a lot like chess.
You can move backward, and that’s okay.
Just remember to move forward every other day.
I Am Just A Girl Who Misses Her Sister
– Lilly Vsqz
I am just a girl who misses her sister.
I wonder if she’s missing me too.
I hear the wind when everything else is silent.
I see the horizon when I stare straight ahead.
I want to see you and be with you so bad.
…I am just a girl who misses her sister.
I pretend I’m skydiving.
I feel the air come out of my body but fresh air comes right back in.
I touch the ground when I come down.
I worry that you are never coming back down from the sky.
I cry to Heaven when I don’t see you.
I am just a girl who misses her sister.
I understand that this is how it’s supposed to be.
I say it is what it is…
I dream that someday I will see you again.
I try to live my life and talk about you like you’re still here.
I hope and pray your waiting for me up there.
I am just a girl who misses her sister…just a girl who misses her sister!
I Am Close
– Kevin T. Pearson
In your thoughts
we will touch.
In your dreams
we will meet.
Now our hearts
beat as one.
I am your shadow.
I’ll always be close.
Hear my voice
in the wind.
See our dance
in a song.
Feel my warmth
in the sun.
Remember, my love,
I’ll always be close.
Do not weep
for my loss.
Time will pass…
Pain will fade…
You will laugh,
and I’ll smile.
Live your life, my love.
I’ll always be close.
At The Bottom Of The Bottle
– Emily Olivo
At the bottom of the bottle
his feelings won’t show.
He’ll let no one know
the feelings he hides.
Real late at night,
his feelings ignite
at the bottom of the bottle.
When his pain goes away,
he feels ashamed
to feel so insane.
He’ll never know it’s all right,
so for his liquor he’ll fight,
and his pain goes away
at the bottom of the bottle.
It’s a sad sight.
His lifestyle is traumatic.
Moving out, I’ll be ecstatic.
It’s unfortunate, I know,
but that doesn’t mean I won’t go.
It’s a sad sight
at the bottom of the bottle.
Cool It Down
– Abimbola T. Alabi
You’re not so important
That you can’t be replaced.
If you leave today,
Someone will fill your space;
Cool it down.
You’re not that mighty
That you cannot fall.
Sometimes what will make you trip
Is something really small;
Cool it down.
You’re not that wise
To justly give into pride.
You can learn useful lessons,
Sometimes from a little child;
Cool it down.
You’re not that excellent
By earning other’s applause.
Same folks that shout your praise
Can still point out your flaws;
Cool it down.
Don’t get so confident
To presume you’re the only one.
Should you die today,
Life will simply go on;
Cool it down.
Unheard Voice
– Littin Thomas Modoor
Nine months are slowly getting close,
I am surrounded by the blanket of yours;
Slowly I am growing in your womb,
Please don’t send me to the tomb;
Oh mother, can’t you hear my voice?
Don’t you have another choice?
Aren’t you happy? You can see me soon,
I am excited to see the world of sun and moon;
In your womb, I am counting days,
To show you mother, my little gaze;
Oh mother, can’t you hear my voice?
Don’t you have another choice?
Mother, I am excited for my first toy,
I promise I will become your joy;
Please don’t feel me as a burden,
Whatever you decide cannot be undone;
Oh mother, can’t you hear my voice?
Don’t you have another choice?
I know you are waiting to see me play,
More than you I am excited to see that day;
Oh mother, won’t you start my life story,
Please don’t make my life a history;
Oh mother, can’t you hear my voice?
Don’t you have another choice?
I am excited to play in your lap,
With my deeds, I will make you clap;
Oh mother, give me a chance to live,
Even if you don’t, I will forgive;
Oh mother, my life is now a question,
Please don’t give it name of abortion.
Please Don’t Cry
– Joe Green
Please, don’t cry.
I’m not really gone.
When you look out the window,
I’ll be standing on the lawn.
Please, don’t cry.
I’ll see you again.
Don’t be sad;
Keep up your chin.
Please, don’t cry.
I’m not really dead.
When you cry yourself to sleep,
I’ll be by your bed.
Please, don’t cry.
Just because we had to part,
As long as you remember me,
I’ll live in your heart.
Please, don’t cry.
I’m not gone forever.
I’ll be a cool and gentle breeze
In hot summer weather.
Please, don’t cry.
Don’t run and hide.
When you need a shoulder to lean on,
I’ll be by your side.
Please, don’t cry.
When you’re sad and weak,
I’ll be there
To kiss you on the cheek.
Please, don’t cry.
This is just a goodbye.
So please, oh please,
Baby, do not cry.
When Do I Think Of You?
– Sherry Hilderbrand
I think of you in the morning
before the sun rises,
when in the still of the darkness
my heart feels your presence.
Your love, your tenderness,
your slow rhythmic breathing as you sleep,
and I am at peace.
I think of you when the first rays of sunlight
spill like a waterfall between the blinds
and settle in my eyes.
I reach my hand, my foot, any body part will do,
to touch you and breathe you in.
It feeds my heart, my soul, my spirit,
and I am at peace.
I think of you at noon when the sun is at its highest,
when the heat warms my skin
and causes my eyes to close with sheer pleasure.
Thoughts of you surround me, envelop me, overpower me.
Images of you swirl around like a funnel cloud,
sucking into its grasp all that it touches,
and I am at peace.
I think of you when the sun is setting
and its final rays of light begin to fade.
I can hear your voice, deep, soft, and slow in my head–
words of beauty, joy, friendship, and everlasting love.
My heart begins to sing a love song so sweet and so gentle.
I cannot wait to share my day with you and yours with me.
And I am at peace.
I think of you when the sun has set and the stillness of the moon
is displaying one of its many wondrous phases.
Thoughts of your smile, your laugh, and your eyes
create a feeling that is impossible to express with just words.
The need to touch you, to feel you, to drink you in
is almost too much to hold inside.
Anticipation of you is the greatest gift.
I am at peace.
Read Also: Beautiful Smile Poems