10 Famous Poems About Self Love & Confidence That Rhyme

Here we have collected beautiful and short poems about self love for you that will boost your self-confidence and show how important you are to your family and other people.

 I Love Being Me
by Gemma Hayton

I can’t run the fastest
I can’t swim the sea
I can’t type the quickest
but I love being me

I can’t kick a ball
or even climb a tree
I can’t roll in the grass
but I still love being me

You see, this is my life
as others would see
they don’t know what it’s like
to really be me

So next time I’m about
rolling down the street
don’t think of me disabled
but someone cool to meet

I have lots I can teach you
I have loads I can share
you will never gain my wisdom
if you just point and stare

So maybe I can’t run the fastest
maybe I can’t kick a ball
but I wouldn’t change being me
not for you, not at al

short poem about self love
Short poem about self love


Be Yourself
by Ellen Bailey

Why would you want to be someone else
When you could be better by being yourself
Why pretend to be someone you are not
When you have something they haven’t got

Cheating yourself of the life you have to live
Deprives others of that only which you can give
You have much more to offer by being just you
Than walking around in someone else’s shoes

Trying to live the life of another is a mistake
It is a masquerade; nothing more than a fake
Be yourself and let your qualities show through
Others will love you more for being just you

Remember that God loves you just as you are
To Him you are already a bright shining star
Family and friends will love you more too
If you spent more time practicing just being you

poems about self love that rhyme
Self love poem that rhyme


A State of Mind
by AWalter D. Wintle

If you think you are beaten, your are
If you think you dare not, you won’t,
If you like to win, but don’t think you can
It’s almost a cinch you won’t

If you think you’ll lose, you’re lost
For out in the world you’ll find,
Success begins with a fellow’s will
It’s all in a state of mind

For many a game is lost
Ere even a play is run,
And many a coward fails
Ere even his work is begun

Think big and your deeds will grow
Think small and you’ll fall behind
Think that you can and you will
It’s all a state of mind

If you think you are out-classed, your are
You’ve got to think high to rise
You’ve got to be sure of yourself before
You can ever win a prize

Life battles don’t always go
To the stronger or faster man
But sooner or later, the man who wins
Is the fellow who thinks he can

poems about loving yourself first
Poems about loving yourself first


A Lesson From History
by Joseph Morris

Everything’s easy after it’s done;
Every battle’s a ‘cinch’ that’s won;
Every problem is clear that’s solved
The earth was round when it revolved!

But Washington stood amid grave doubt
With enemy forces camped about;
He could not know how he would fare
Till after he’d crossed the Delaware.

Though the river was full of ice
He did not think about it twice,
But started across in the dead of night,
The enemy waiting to open the fight.

Likely feeling pretty blue,
Being human, same as you,
But he was brave amid despair,
And Washington crossed the Delaware!

So when you’re with trouble beset,
And your spirits are soaking wet,
When all the sky with clouds is black,
Don’t lie down upon your back

And look at them. Just do the thing;
Though you are choked, still try to sing.
If times are dark, believe them fair,
And you will cross the Delaware!

a lesson from history


by Ron DeMarco

I’ve dreamed many dreams that never came true,
I’ve seen them vanish at dawn,
But I’ve realized enough of my dreams thank the Lord,
To make me want to dream on,

I’ve prayed many prayers when no answer came,
Though I’ve waited patient and long,
But answers have come to enough of my prayers,
To make me keep praying on,

I’ve trusted many a friend that failed,
And left me to weep alone,
But I’ve found enough of my friends that are really true,
That will make me keep trusting on.

I’ve sown many seeds that have fallen by the way,
For the birds to feed upon,
But I’ve held enough golden sheaves in my hand,
To make me keep sowing on.

I’ve drunk from the cup of disappointment and pain,
I’ve gone many days without song,
But I’ve sipped enough nectar from the Roses of Life,
To make me keep living on!



Live Each Moment
by Anonymous

I may never see tomorrow,
there is no written guarantee.
And things that happened yesterday,
belong to history

I cannot predict the future,
I cannot change the past
I have just the present moment,
I must treat it as my last

I must use this moment wisely,
for it will soon pass away
And be lost to me forever,
as part of yesterday

I must exercise compassion,
help the fallen to their feet.
Be a friend unto the friendless,
make an empty life complete

The unkind things I do today,
may never be undone
And friendships that I fail to win,
may never more be won

I may not have another chance
on bended knee to pray
And thank God with humble heart,
for giving me this day


My Darling
by Nikita Gill

You are not small.
You are not unworthy.
You are not insignificant.

The universe wove you from a constellation,
just so atom, every fibre in you comes from
a different star.

Together, you are bound by stardust , altogether
spectacularly created by the energy of the
universe itself.

And that, my darling,
is the poetry of physics,
the poetry of you.


Accept Yourself as a Work in Progress
by Reyna Biddy

Accept yourself as a work in progress the continue
to build yourself into the person you’re dreaming to be;
the person you have all the potential to be
accept your flaws, accept your truths. accept your past.

and make light of them. no one can tear you down if
you make peace with who you are and where you’ve
been. if you are going to focus on the negative at all,
focus on turning them into positives. focus on growing.

sometimes, often times, our minds are the scariest
place to sit. it’ll trick you into comparing yourself
to others and it’ll trick you into believing you aren’t
good enough. but you are. you have always been

and you always will be. you’re much more powerful
when you believe in yourself. if you don’t love
all of you, who will?
give yourself time to blossom.


by Wilder

I’ve spent

So much time

At war with

Myself, I have


I am the walls

of my home

Forgive her, and she

Will forgive you, too

No matter how many times

You asked her to break

—my relationship with my body


Change of Attitude
by Vivien Wade

The optimist knows the sun shines,
Above the clouds, though gray,
The pessimist sees the dark side
Of a gloomy cold winter’s day.

The optimist says “keep on going.
don’t give up when troubles annoy”.
The pessimist thinks “what’s the use,
life’s dull and holds little joy”.

The optimist is always thankful,
For the blessings of each day.
The pessimist keeps complaining
Of things that come his way.

The optimist and the pessimist,
Are opposites to the extreme;
While one sees opportunities,
The other only a broken dream.

Are you an optimist or a pessimist,
Do you see mud not the stars?
Like the two men in prison,
Looking out through prison bars.

Choose to become an optimist,
The negative thoughts cast out,
Replace them with positive ones,
Then life will be better, no doubt


by Edgar A. Guest

Courage isn’t a brilliant dash,
A daring deed in a moment’s flash;
It isn’t an instantaneous thing
Born of despair with a sudden spring

It isn’t a creature of flickered hope
Or the final tug at a slipping rope;
But it’s something deep in the soul of man
That is working always to serve some plan.

Courage isn’t the last resort
In the work of life or the game of sport;
It isn’t a thing that a man can call
At some future time when he’s apt to fall;

If he hasn’t it now, he will have it not
When the strain is great and the pace is hot.
For who would strive for a distant goal
Must always have courage within his soul.

Courage isn’t a dazzling light
That flashes and passes away from sight;
It’s a slow, unwavering, ingrained trait
With the patience to work and the strength to wait.

It’s part of a man when his skies are blue,
It’s part of him when he has work to do.
The brave man never is freed of it.
He has it when there is no need of it.

Courage was never designed for show;
It isn’t a thing that can come and go;
It’s written in victory and defeat
And every trial a man may meet.

It’s part of his hours, his days and his years,
Back of his smiles and behind his tears.
Courage is more than a daring deed:
It’s the breath of life and a strong man’s creed.


Read More: Black Love Poems

2 thoughts on “10 Famous Poems About Self Love & Confidence That Rhyme”

  1. I loved this compilation of poems! It’s amazing how words can uplift and inspire self-love and confidence. My favorite was the one by Maya Angelou; her lines always resonate deeply. Thanks for sharing these beautiful pieces!

  2. I absolutely loved this collection! Each poem beautifully captures the essence of self-love and confidence. It’s so inspiring to see how rhythm and rhyme can convey such powerful messages. Thank you for sharing these uplifting gems!


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