Short Friendship Poems | Best Forever Friendship Poetry

True friendship poems that will help you express the importance of your bond with your best friends. Let’s read these short friendship poems. 

Short Best Friendship Poem

You magnify my happiness
When I am feeling glad;
You help to heal my injured heart
Whenever I am sad.

You’re such a pleasure in my life;
I hope that you can see
How meaningful your friendship is;
You’re a total joy to me.

Joanna Fuchs

Best Friendship Poems
Short Best Friendship Poems For Him


Best Friendship Poem

Friendship is love but not in love
Friendship is a secret never to be told

Friendship is a shoulder to cry on
Friendship is not having to say sorry but do

Friendship is not judging no matter what
Friendship is someone to run too when things are tough

Friendship is a hand to hold when things are so rough
Friendship is someone to laugh with not at you

Friendship is just knowing they are there
My friend is all of these hope you have one just like her…


Best Friendship Poems
Short Best Friendship Poems


Short Best Friendship Poem

You are a great friend
A best friend

I’ll be there when the tears start to fall
And the rays of sunshine hits

We shall play a game of soccer in the rain
We will be friends to the end of time

I’ll be there when you break your knee
When you are to scared to cry

I will be there when time passes by
And I hope you’ll be there to.

Jennifer Hanson

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Best Friendship Poems


Whenever my life feels empty,
Those times when I feel a lack,

I thank God for your special friendship,
Because I know you’ve got my back.

When I wonder about life’s true meaning,
And whether it all makes sense,

With a word or a smile from you, friend,
I forget my silly laments.

I guess what I’m trying to say, friend,
Is with all your support and your giving,

You brighten each minute I’m with you,
And make every day well worth living.

-Joanna Fuchs

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True Friendship Poems


Your friend is one who answers to your needs
the field you sow with love, and reap with thanks,

you seek him for your peace, to hear his heart,
and when he’s silent – still his heart you hear,

because, with words or not, you share his joy,
in presence or in absence he is there,

and stronger love may in his absence show,
the beauty of a love that asks for naught.

So tell your friend of all that ebbs and flows,
your best and worst of what fate deals to you,

no thought too great nor light for open minds
who share their pleasures, and their laughter too.

For in the dew of sweet and passing thoughts
each morning’s fresh, for close and constant hearts.

-Michael Shepherd

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Short Friendship Poems For Her


It’s such a pleasure and a joy
To have a friend like you.
You always care, you’re always there,
You say the right things, too!

You make me smile when I am low
You’re just a pure delight.
We talk a lot about everything;
You make my life so bright!

I hope that I am giving you
Some joy and happiness,
Because you mean so much to me,
More than I can express!

-Joanna Fuchs

best poems about friendship
Best Poems about Friendship


Your friendship is a gift of God
Its delight I cannot measure,

Your friendship is a gift of God
It is full of joy and pleasure,

Your friendship is gift of God
I’ll never want to sever,

Your friendship is a gift of God
It is utmost of my treasure.

-Anna D. Kamas

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Best Friendship Poems


Someone to lean on when problems appear,
Someone on whom you’d depend,

Someone who’ll lift you when you’re down in the dumps,
That someone is truly a friend.

That’s how I feel about you my dear friend;
You’re so special just as you are.

Just to know that you’re there provides comfort to spare;
A friendship like yours sets the bar.

– Karl and Joanna Fuchs

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A friendship is a bond you have with someone else
A friendship is special just like one’s gift.

A friendship is a time to share your feelings
A friendship is something very remembering.

A friendship is something I truly have
A friendship is something everyone should want to last.

A friend is there to be by your side
A friend is there to tell you everything is going to be alright.

A friendship Into every life a little rain must fall..
Call me any time you need an umbrella!

-Pater Stavropoulos

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Best Poems on Friendship


Loneliness, anxiety, and despair,
isolation, sorrow, bitterness –
these the cruel concerns, observers note,
that press upon our current consciousness.

To name mind’s enemies is good for mind:
for straightway, two arch-fiends themselves reveal:
separation, and false sense of loss.
These enemies now named, what salve may heal?

Think one – the other follows; thus, one fiend,
whose only weapon is that thought of loss.
But we own that which we can never lose;
yet know not – ’til we give it – ever ours:

give what you think you have not: that which mends
these cruel concerns in others: love of friends.

Michael Shepherd

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My best friend would be
someone with whom I can share
ideas, laughs, troubles, fun,
my innermost thoughts,
things I tell no one else,
someone who listens
and really cares.
That is why
my best friend is you.

-Joanna Fuchs

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You made me love the teachings of Tagore.
My thoughts were mesmerized by your sitar.
I kept the little flowers from India,
Artfully pressed to span a century.

Creative journeys never really end.
Our era is a lamp that still burns on.
I send some thoughts like flowers overseas
Their fragrance will outlast both you and me.

Your world class mind inspires me every day
To build a friendship bridge from West to East.
By touching souls with others, I touch yours.
The wonder of that sets two worlds alight.

– Sandra Fowler

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